Site Help

Most of the pages on this site use the same tablular format to display data. This enables you to sort the columns and search for data within the columns. All the tables should all work in the same way, although not all features are enabled on every table and every column.


It is possible to sort the data in most of the columns in the table. To sort a particular column, click on the column heading. Note: the table can only be sorted on one column at a time.

The direction it is sorted in is displayed by the following icons:

  • Sorted ascending
  • Sorted descending
  • The sorting is in "alphanumeric" order, that is: 0-9, A-Z, a-z. Note that this may sort ring numbers differently from other Darvic ring lists. To find a specific ring number or set of ring numbers, use the filter functionality instead.

    Note: Currently there is also a known issue with the table display, where once a column has been sorted it cannot be "un-sorted". As a work-around, albeit not perfect as it will remove your sorting and filtering, navigate to another page and then navigate back to the page you were on. We are actively looking into finding a fix for this issue.

    Entire Table Search

    To enable the table search bar, click on the Toggle Search Bar button. This allows you to search for text anywhere within the table, not just in a single column. Enter the text you wish to search for and press return. This will show you any rows where your search text appears.

    To clear the search and show all rows, delete the text from the search box and press enter.

    To hide the table search bar, click again on the Toggle Search Bar button.


    Columns that can be filtered have the symbol next to or underneath the column heading. To filter on a column click on the symbol for that column. The filter box will pop up for that column. Filters can be set on multiple columns at once.

    The drop down list in the filter box allows you to select various kinds of filtering, depending on the column type and data. Note that all filtering is case-insensitive:

  • Contains: this will show rows where the text entered in the text box below appears anywhere in the values
  • Does not contain: this will show rows where the text entered in the text box below does not appear anywhere in the values in the column
  • Starts with: this will show rows where the value in the column starts with the text entered in the text box below
  • Ends with: this will show rows where the value in the column ends with the text entered in the text box below
  • Is equal to: this will show rows where the value in the column is exactly (case-insensitive) equal to the text entered in the text box below
  • Is not equal to: this will show rows where the value in the column is not equal to the text entered in the text box below
  • Is null or empty: this will show rows where there the column is blank
  • Is not null or empty: this will show rows where there the column is not blank
  • To apply the filter click on the blue "Apply" button

    To clear the filter and show all values in this field, click on the grey "Clear" button

    To close the filter pop-up, click on the red "Close" button

    Displaying Details

    On the Ospreys page, the table is initially displayed as a short form with only basic details about each bird. However, more details are shown in the "details panel" for each bird.

    To show the details panel for each bird, click on the symbol next to the bird's ring number or name.

    To close the details panel for each bird, click on the symbol next to the bird's ring number or name.

    To show the details panel for all birds on the current page, click on the "View all details" button under the page heading

    To close the details panel for all birds on the current page, click on the "Close all details" button under the page heading

    The details panel currently shows the following information, where available:

  • Exact hatching and ringing dates where known, or hatch year and ringing year
  • The translocation project name, if the bird was part of a translocation
  • Any general comments about the bird, such as information about where it is or has bred, whether it is satellite tracked etc.
  • Any references to the bird in books (including page numbers where known), print articles or papers, and clickable links to public URLs with information about the bird, sightings etc.
  • Note: The links and references database is very incomplete at the current point. Whilst it is being updated continually, many links and references will be missing. Please bear with us and more links will be added over time.

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